This Milky Oolong or Formosa Oolong Tea has a delicate light colour with a rich creamy and smooth taste. The liquid produced has a beautiful light yellow tone with a unique, delightful creamy fragrance, and a roasting flavour with a strong refreshing milky sweet aroma.
The Legend of Milky Oolong is that the moon in ancient times fell in love with a comet and that the comet passed her by, as comets must necessarily do. When this happened the moon was so upset that she cried milky tears, which chilled the tea fields, withering the leaves and giving them a delicate creaminess.
Drinking this tea transports one to a place of peace and quiet, allowing the imbiber to step outside the hustle and bustle of modern life and reclaim a quiet moment or two.
Most Discerning Oolong drinkers will only drink Oolongs from Taiwan. Not only are the flavours richer and fuller but they also do not contain the pesticides and poisons used in the crops of Chinese Oolongs.
White tea, Green tea, Oolong tea and Black tea are all from the same plant, Camelia sinensis. Oolong tea is produced by allowing the tea leaves to oxidize for a short time after picking. Oxidation is the process which makes the leaves turn dark on exposure to oxygen. Oolong is semi-oxidized; black tea is fully oxidized; and green tea is un-oxidized.
This is initially steeped for 45 seconds to 1 minute with the steeping time increased by an additional 15 seconds for each successive steeping. The leaves may be steeped multiple times. The water temperature is best at 85 - 90 degrees.