Change Your Mind Change Your Life®


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If you would like to experience 30 minutes of pure bliss and relaxation in your life and want to attune your mind to peaceful Alpha brainwaves or have a friend or loved one who does, then you'll love this!

This download contains 1. a MP3 DOWNLOAD ISOCHRONIC BRAINWAVE SOUNDSCAPE - SLICE OF HEAVEN which can be used with or without headphones, and 2. a MP3 DOWNLOAD BINAURIAL BEATS BRAINWAVE SOUNDSCAPE - SLICE OF HEAVEN which uses a slightly different technology and can only be used with headphones.

This is a must have!

Length of session 30 minutes each.

The Amazing thing about this is that you can have incredible results. 

These sessions utilise an amazing process called FREQUENCY FOLLOWING RESPONSE and essentially means that when a rhythm is heard for a certain period of time the listeners brainwaves automatically attune to the same frequency thereby synchronizing its own electric cycles to that very same rhythm. This process was first identified in the 1930s and a multitude of scientific investigation has followed throughout the years from that time to now.

It was further discovered that certain frequencies caused the brain to go into various states such as Alpha, Delta, Gamma, Beta and Theta and that these states could have various effects on the brain to release hormones and cause other Positive Outcomes in the human body. 

This Powerful session is designed to attune your brainwave patterns to a heightened Alpha State that induces a deep state of blissful relaxation.

What you can expect:

.Experience deep and extremely pleasing meditative states. 

.Safe and easy to use.   

.Complete novices can experience states that would normally take months of practice to achieve. 

.Experienced Meditators can go deeper than ever before. 

.Stimulate the growth of new neural pathways in the brain. 

 .Experience improved Memory, Creativity, Intuition and Focused Mind. 

.Become more self aware. 

.Lower stress levels and experienced heightened relaxation. 

.Experience improved Health in mind and body.  

.Increased production of various naturally occurring chemicals in the brain that are vital to well-being, happiness and longevity. 


Isochronic Tones and Binaurial Beats for Brainwave Attunement.

Refreshing and Relaxing
Removes Stress
Relieves Headaches and Tension
Induces Peaceful Bliss
Relaxation at the Deepest Levels.
Enjoy Altered States of Mind Awareness.
Recharge Mind and Body.
Aids in Sleep.
Aids Natural Healing of the Body.
Aids Clarity of Mind.
Increases Perception and Precognition.
You will be Amazed at the results. ​​​​​​
Play this whilst going to sleep.
30 minute session.
mp3 version.

This is a Powerful Super Consciousness Tool that refreshes, revitalizes and Energizes the Brain.

This is so easy to do and you don’t need any prior experience. its as simple as pushing a play button.

Some other Benefits

Heightened emotions
Improved learning abilities
Deep relaxation
Enhanced creativity,
Increased spiritual awareness & metaphysical abilities
Access to the subconscious mind
Improvement in meditation and self-hypnosis sessions
Feelings of freedom and being in touch with your ‘real self’
Improved physical health and healing. 

Instructions for use:

1. Choose which session you would like ie Isochronic session through audible speakers or Binaurial session through headphones.

2. Ensure you will not be disturbed for the next 30 minutes and make sure your phone is on do not disturb.

3. Sit in a comfortable straight chair or lie down on the bed.

4. Push play and enjoy.

Note: Try to remain as still as possible to get maximum benefits from the session.

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