Menopause Mix Herbal Tea
Ingredients: Black Cohosh(Cimicifuga racemosa), Red Clover(Trifolium pratense), Wild Yam (Diosorea villosa), Sage(Salvia officinalis), Chaste Tree Berry(Vitex agnus-castus), Spearmint(Mentha spicata), Lavender(Lavandula angustifolia), Calendula(Calendula officinalis)
Delicious and Naturopathically prepared to assist women with easing with this difficult time. A fresh unique and uplifting Herbal Blend of Red clover, wild yam, chaste tree berry, black cohosh, sage, lavender, spearmint, calendula.
Herbal Tea Brewing
Instructions: Can be brewed like a loose leaf tea. Boil water (90°C to 100°C) and add between 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon of herbal blend per cup of water. Pour boiled water over the tea and allow to steep for at least 5 minutes before straining and serving. Honey or vegan sweeteners can be used to sweeten and enhance the flavour.
1 Review
Great product, I am completely recommending it ?
Taste and smell good and feel good after