Organic Senna Leaf Powder
Botanical Name: Cassia angustifolia
Organic Status: Organic
Country of Origin: India
Plant Part: Leaves
Form: Powder
Use in small amounts, best before bed to help prepare for the morning movement.
Main Constituents: Anthraquinone glycosides (sennosides and their aglycones).
Please be aware that these constituents can have a laxative effect and stimulate bowel movements within 6 to 12 hours. It is not recommended to take this herb for more than 10 days, and it is contraindicated if there are any bowel obstructions, intestinal inflammation, abdominal pain from an unknown cause, for children or in pregnancy.
Any product that has a laxative effect may interact with medications due to reduced absorption time.
Suggested Preparation: Dissolve 1–2 grams of Senna leaf powder in hot water and allow to sit or steep for 10 minutes