
Angel Oils

Angel Oils

Angel Oils

The uses of essential oils is very extensive. They can be used to anoint the chakras, worn as a perfume, put into bath water, used to anoint candles, placed in an aromatherapy diffuser or an essential oil burner, or used in hydrosols and sprays.

Did you know that there are over 188 references of essential oils used in the Holy Bible. Oils such as rosemary, hyssop, spikenard, frankincense, and myrrh were used for anointing and healing the sick. In the book of Exodus God gave Moses a recipe for a ‘holy anointing oil’ containing olive oil, myrrh, sweet cinnamon, and other herbs. In the New Testament, there are several accounts of the use of essential oils for healing and anointing.

Bring the Angelic Powers into your life with these beautiful and authentic essential oils.