
Contact Us

Use the below form to contact us by email!  We're happy to answer questions and we do our best to answer all emails quickly.

You can also contact us by phone ( 07 55 194 076 ) Mon-Thur 9am to 2:30pm AEST (QLD), our office is closed on Fridays and weekends.  And yes, we can take your order and payment over the phone! =)

If we don't answer your call, or you are calling out of hours, please leave a message with your name, contact number, and the reason for your call, and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Sometimes we have our hands full with manufacturing or packing orders and can't get to the phone in time, but we value your call and we love chatting with our customers!

If you leave us a message please make sure you say your contact number clearly, as we need this to be able to return your call.

Alternatively, you can email us directly: